Here are a few prints I've done since I learned how to screenprint. It's quite addictive! I think the process is what keeps me wanting to do it. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get set up at home so that I don't have to drive across town to work in the space that I now rent to do it. I got plans.
Anyway, these are going to be in reverse chronological order because I think I'm getting better, so I'll put the most recent at the top. It's kind of a struggle to post these because I'm not entirely happy with all of them. I'm doing about 5-10 copies of each print, and most times only satisfied with one or two copies. Each print is a learning experience...sigh. I'm very happy with the roses and the jellyfish. I think I'll try the bike and wheat field/tree again, with a new strategy. Apologies for the poor quality pictures.

Here's a few my bf made. It was so nice to take the class together, and now we're renting the space together too! Helps for motivation, that's for sure.