Sunday, March 8, 2009

Movie Weekend

Went out and got real haggard on Friday night seeing the Blakes at Chop Suey, so Saturday was spent going couch-hunting for the BF and watching movies.  Pretty much perfect way to bring in Daylight Savings.  Woo hoo to more light!!!

The funniest thing I watched all weekend was a skit about Cathy the comic character played by Andy Samberg on SNL during weekend update.  I had a video, but freakin NBC took it down.  
Andy Samberg is so funny and adorable, even as an awkward aging comic character with self-esteem issues...I guess Justin Timberlake was pretty funny as Irving, although he seems like a prick.  His current squeeze Jessica Biel came in as Jessica Rabbit. I didn't even recognize her at first, probably her BEST ACTING EVER.   Anyway, it was good for a laugh, especially since I remember reading "Cathy" comic strip most of my young life and thinking what a loser she was.  ACK!!!

Finally got down to watching "Choke".  Chuck Palahniuk tells a good tale.  The BF says that the movie did a pretty good job interpreting the book, and I'm tempted to read it. It was a fun movie, though...lots of surprises.  Funny, witty, lots of sex-deviance.  It was like an onion, with all these layers....that's deep. I'm like an onion with all my layers.  Think about that. (Not about how I'm like an onion, how are you like an onion?) 

Moving right along and away from my idiocy (there is actually no getting away but we can try).  Also watched the 1990 version of "Lord of the Flies".  It was pretty good, considering I haven't seen it since right around when it came out. Bathelzar Getty looks so freaking young!  I wish they would do a reunion with the kids of the movie and a where are they now....especially the actor that played Jack.  That kid cuts off a pig's head!!!!  Like, for reals.  He's got the knife, he cuts off the head.  Yikes.  That kid was like 15 years old or some shit.  Not right.  I bet he's totally messed up right now.  Could investigate, don't really care.  I'm just going to say trailer park and move on. 

*note, i did actually investigate and it turns out Chris Furrh (Jack) did four movies in 1990 and then fell off the face of the earth!  Only thing I did find was a message board from 2006 and some guy was his roommate in 1992-93 and he lived in central Texas.  Now you can rest easy.

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