Monday, March 30, 2009

Shawn Johnson's stalker

Ok, so apparently US Olympic medal winning gymnast Shawn Johnson has a stalker.  So much so that he showed up to the set of Dancing with the Stars with duct tape, a gun, and lots of other scary ass shit.  Hopefully Shawn will never ever ever ever have a run-in with the dude.   I wish it was this guy, but it's not...He just seemed to fit the bill.    

yeah, it's scarring.  Looks like he's been practicing his dancing though...

Update:  Shawn Johnson's stalker got pulled over on his way to DWTS to be with her!!  Here's the video.  

As much as I love celebrity smut, it sucks that they have to deal with this.   Well, no one should have to deal with a stalker.  In any case, the guy has lost it.  Thinking he's going to convince her to marry him and they will have a beautiful relationship together.  Good Lord.  Gone right off the rails there.  AND he had duct tape, guns, and other weird shit in his car when these cops pulled him over, but they never searched the car.  He says all sorts of weird things, you'd think the cops would've noticed how nutz he is, or at least have the insight to maybe ask him wtf he's talking about, yammerin' on like the cops give a shit why he's speeding to someone he loves that doesn't know him yet.  Yeah.  Let that guy go.  Please.  I'm sure he's a totally decent guy in love. Oh, and by the way, any time someone says, "I know it might sound crazy..." it might be crazy.

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