Friday, July 31, 2009

Seth Rogan on Jimmy Kimmel

I'm a Seth Rogan fan.  There is a lot of laughing involved most of the time he is around (except Pineapple Express, I didn't really like that one).  He was on Kimmel this week and talked about being kiss rejected by Megan Fox on Kimmel, the first appearance for both.  Pretty funny when they pull out the old tapes.  Megan pulls a smooth transition, it's not TOTALLY awkward.  It could have been worse.  

For what it's worth, she's totally hot and I've always thought so. Nevermind all those comparisons to Angelina though.  Angelina=win=actress....Megan Fox=hot right now=eye candy.  

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thank you OnDemand

This weekend I was supposed to do fun things like go to an art gallery, the Capitol Hill Block Party, and get a tan.  Didn't do those things.  Should've.  Didn't.  C'est la vie.  Thanks to the wonderful hands of cable television, I did see three movies this weekend I would not have otherwise watched.  Last night was the classic "Boyz N the Hood."  Hadn't seen that one in a half-decade or so.  I forgot how good it was.  Although Cuba Gooding Jr. just isn't the same to watch for some reason.   Ice Cube was a delight on the other hand.  Also the clothes are awesome.  I miss the early wait, I totally don't.

Also on and watched in its entirety (loving every cheesy, B-movie minute of it) was Mindwarp.  Filmed in 1992, this film is a wonderful escapade into the future where people plug themselves into computers for entertainment.  One renegade girl wants to live in "real life," causing the system operator to expel her to the distant regions of a desimated, radioactive earth to try and survive.  There she finds the one and only BRUCE CAMPBELL!  Yes!  He is the best.  They work together to fight the mutant cannibals that live below the surface.  Oh yeah.  It's really good.  The special effects especially.  Spoiler alert!  Her dad is the leader of the cannibals!  Who would have thought??!!  I just ruined it for you.  Sorry.  I know you just netflixed it and everything.

Last and least, I didn't quite finish this one.  "The Vampire Lovers" filmed in 1970 about a vampiress that has a thing for the ladies.  Not a great movie, not a lot of vampires, not really scary but lots of perky boobs and ladies in distress and almost kissing.   Lots of heavy breathing too.  Have to say that vampire movies have come a long way and it's interesting to see how it was interpreted in the early 70s.  Meh. 

Yes, you do get to see the boobs of the girl in the poster.

Thanks to OnDemand I got to watch Pet Semetary for the first time.  Although I was surfing the web some of the time.  It was a little scary there.  That kid, the cat....I still want to know how that little kid killed two adults with a scalpel.  They are sharp, they are, but really.  Swift kick could've done it.  

Could probably watch the next one.  Sort of want to know what happens next...

Who the F is Sandra Lee?

So there's some lady out there named Sandra Lee and today some people posted a video of her making..something....I'm going to guess meatloaf.  Looks super nasty though, and it's kind of funny at the end when she's like, "Look.. at.. that".  She knows it looks really bad.  I just want to know what the people she serves are thinking when it's set upon the table for their feast! Oh yummy yum yum!   Barf.

As a side note, it's really bad when you have your cooking show is called "Semi-Handmade Cooking."  Maybe I should try to get my own cooking show.  I semi-handmake tons of shit and I've been told I make a mean meatloaf.   

And OMG the videos they have for her on youtube.  Yikes.  This one's pretty nutzo.  She's decorated her Christmas tree like it should be done.  With cocktail glasses!  I know what you're thinking.  Someone finally did it and we've only thought about it all this time....

Dlisted has her up for "Hot Slut of the Month".  Agreed.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cristiano Ronaldo

In my opinion, Cristiano Ronaldo is a pretty hot guy.  Total slimeball (hair included), but very hot nonetheless.  It's public knowledge of his penchant for easy women (Paris Hilton being one recently), hookers, and maybe some other extracurricular activities of the club/party scene.  That being said, I saw this short video (thanks to and thought it was pretty damn funny.  His face is really focused on a thought, and I wish I knew what it was as it looks to be really meaningful shit to him.  At one point toward the end, he looks like a Tom Cruise/Keanu Reaves combo; furrowed brow and dumbshit look.  Love the music too.

Just for kicks for the ladies....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Today's wtf news: Cats with wings in China

This story is a bit old, but I've been out of the blogging business for a month and since I came across the pic randomly, thought I would share the story now!  Better late than never I spose.

Of course the link I had is no longer in service, so I'll have to do some investigating for the article.  Apparently some cats in China are growing wings at the age of 1.  They are born normal, with no other defects, but sprout wings for some reason.  The wings pose no threat to their health.  Some of the locals think it's the weather and the cat's attempt to get some lady friends.  I'm guessing it's environmental, but that's just me.

Here's a link to an article by the UK's Telegraph

Picture time!

Here are some pics I've found on the wonderful internet.  In no particular order...

That should do it for now.

Awesome Albino Animal Alliteration

Sweet! Albino animals!!!! My favorite is the peacock.

And I'm sure you've heard about the albino whale and dolphin?  

Mugshot Mania

I'm not sure how many of you dear readers out there are familiar with Gary Coleman and his wife, Shannon Price. The two have been married a while now, and then were seen on Divorce Court unveiling some pretty strange details of their arrangements. The two have never had sex for one, and Gary is a violent little man as he threw a printer at her at one point. So it comes as no surprise to me that on Friday Shannon was arrested for some domestic violence. Apparently Gary was up to something so Shannon decided to shred some of his clothes and trash his favorite items. When the cops showed up she had some choice words for both the cops and Gary and got arrested. She was released on $1200 bail. Oh to be a fly on that wall...

Here's another doozy, not involving F-list celebrities. This woman, Mindy Lomento, got arrested for having some sexy times in a park with two men somewhere in Connecticut. That's right, crazy sexy public threesome. She looks like a winner with no addictions or mental problems and I'm sure the men only have eyes for her. I'm very glad that I did not come across this on a beautiful day walk through the park.


In more hilarity, the smoking gun has a montage of mugshots up with a patriotic theme.
Here's a small pic:

I particularly like the first image and you can see her crutch. Hope they all had safe 4ths this year.

And then there's this guy:

I dont' know what he did but he sure looks happy to be there.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael Jackson tribute

Alright, so I haven't blogged for a while and here I am, Thursday night, got a couple drinks in me and figured at least I'd put my two cents in about Michael Jackson. I love me some Michael Jackson. I don't know if he abused kids or what, the guy was a effin whack-job. He was also a hardcore drug abuser. Track marks up and down his legs. Of course I'm sure he had more than one doctor. Guy's heart just gave out. He was practicing for his big comeback, and now he's having his comeback but he's not here.
Here's a video of his comeback rehearsal:

There is no doubt his music was brilliant and there will never be anyone like him. I'm sure like the rest of you, I have heard a fair piece of his music since his death. I don't mind one bit. In fact, we need to listen to more Michael Jackson anyway. And I'm not just talking about the early 80s. Whole career. Everything he did on stage and in the studio was impressive. He was a true entertainer and celebrity his entire life. No wonder it caused some problems in his head.

Did you know he had a 100 song secret stash for his children? I wonder if they will ever be released. Joe Jackson is starting his own record company. I wonder why...hmm....what could he possibly produce that might sell.....hmmmmm......

MJ never officially adopted the kids, btw. I am not even going to go into that whole deal. I'm just going to sit and wait until the kids each become 18 years old, or perhaps even earlier, to write their autobiographies. There is just too much that I want to know, and yet I feel that I already know too much. Ah, life's dichotomies.

So let's talk about his plastic surgeries, shall we? He's always said that he's only has his nose done TWICE. uh huh, riiiiiiiight. Here's what I've found out so far:

Here's what (which I find a reliable source of information and entertainment) had to say,

Michael Jackson had at least 20 different plastic surguries according to one doctor who surmises that Jackson altered himself to 'escape his sad childhood'. Among his surgeries were
eye reshaping

brow lift

6 rhinoplasty operations
cheek implants

cheek fat removal
lips thin

    jaw implants
  • multiple facelifts
    Well there ya have it I guess. Proof is in the photo.
  • Just so I don't leave on a negative note, because I really do truly love MJ regardless of his plastic surgeries, here's a picture of him with his kids and some other people taken in November of 2008. I think his kids look pretty cute...seriously!
    His oldest son, Prince Michael is there on the left, with Paris Michael and Prince Michael II aka "Blanket" in the middle of the photo. Hope those kids do alright and Joe Jackson doesn't get his hands on them.