Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thank you OnDemand

This weekend I was supposed to do fun things like go to an art gallery, the Capitol Hill Block Party, and get a tan.  Didn't do those things.  Should've.  Didn't.  C'est la vie.  Thanks to the wonderful hands of cable television, I did see three movies this weekend I would not have otherwise watched.  Last night was the classic "Boyz N the Hood."  Hadn't seen that one in a half-decade or so.  I forgot how good it was.  Although Cuba Gooding Jr. just isn't the same to watch for some reason.   Ice Cube was a delight on the other hand.  Also the clothes are awesome.  I miss the early wait, I totally don't.

Also on and watched in its entirety (loving every cheesy, B-movie minute of it) was Mindwarp.  Filmed in 1992, this film is a wonderful escapade into the future where people plug themselves into computers for entertainment.  One renegade girl wants to live in "real life," causing the system operator to expel her to the distant regions of a desimated, radioactive earth to try and survive.  There she finds the one and only BRUCE CAMPBELL!  Yes!  He is the best.  They work together to fight the mutant cannibals that live below the surface.  Oh yeah.  It's really good.  The special effects especially.  Spoiler alert!  Her dad is the leader of the cannibals!  Who would have thought??!!  I just ruined it for you.  Sorry.  I know you just netflixed it and everything.

Last and least, I didn't quite finish this one.  "The Vampire Lovers" filmed in 1970 about a vampiress that has a thing for the ladies.  Not a great movie, not a lot of vampires, not really scary but lots of perky boobs and ladies in distress and almost kissing.   Lots of heavy breathing too.  Have to say that vampire movies have come a long way and it's interesting to see how it was interpreted in the early 70s.  Meh. 

Yes, you do get to see the boobs of the girl in the poster.

Thanks to OnDemand I got to watch Pet Semetary for the first time.  Although I was surfing the web some of the time.  It was a little scary there.  That kid, the cat....I still want to know how that little kid killed two adults with a scalpel.  They are sharp, they are, but really.  Swift kick could've done it.  

Could probably watch the next one.  Sort of want to know what happens next...

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