Saturday, December 6, 2008

What a day so far...

Got up this morning and had the pleasure of hanging out at the DMV.  Considering it is Saturday, I suppose waiting only 2 hours is pretty good.  Since it was on the way, had breakfast at a nice place called The Dish Cafe  in Fremont/Ballard (what's the name of that area?).  Nice place, good egg scramble.  Then it was to Archie McFee's where I got some awesome bandaids:

Then it was off to Bop Street Records.  My God, it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.  I was a little overwhelmed at first, there were so many!  Floor to ceiling, back room, and downstairs. This place is in my future.  The guy who owns it is super cool.  He's had the record store since 1979 and said he had over a half million.  

The best part is that it's only 3:30!  Got some errands to run, Christmas presents to put together, etc.  Oh yeah, and I did actually finish that hat I was knitting last night!  (albeit a bit drunk, ha!)  

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