Friday, December 12, 2008

Chris Berens

Tonight was the opening of Chris Berens'  Go West art show at Roq la Rue in Belltown.   He is an amazing artist, and I have no idea how he does what he does.  I guess he put pieces of art (1-3 inches long and /or wide) printed off his computer and then puts them together on a wood base. Here's his website, which I'm sure can explain it much better than I could dream.  

This is my favorite of the collection I think.  The girls just look sooo sad!  Maybe it's cuz they have no mouths and they never get to eat food?  Or are they sad because some wierd, sloth-like, pig creatures are flying (without wings) over them?  Or are they even sad?  And that owl/hawk is super chill, y'all.
Seriously though, every single one of his painting are unique and have so many little tiny little details that you only start to notice after staring for a few minutes.  And then you can't look away there is so much design and thought put into every (dare I even call them) stroke.  You can't see strokes.  There are none.  It's just a beautiful image every time.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I know.
I dont mean to freak you out even more but hear this. Its no prints man. This guy paints the whole thing. Check out the video on youtube. He is crazy.